
Dragon naturally speaking software type
Dragon naturally speaking software type

dragon naturally speaking software type

The initial tasks to set up the program for a new user are quite complex, and students need to be able to read a lengthy passage of set text out loud, with few reading errors.Students need to be able to deal with a certain amount of frustration, text errors, revisions of their work, and some downright comedic problems as they become competent Dragon users.Some older computers may struggle to cope with the Dragon software. Make sure your computer is up to the job.The user speaks into the microphone and the text appears What You Need to KnowĪs with most technology, and particularly with a speech recognition system, there are a few items to be aware of:.The Dragon toolbar appears and the Dragon is told to ‘wake up’.The computer has the Dragon program loaded onto it.The user wears a headset fitted with a microphone.The software program is simple in principle:

dragon naturally speaking software type

This can be especially true in a special education setting, when touch typing or even basic keyboarding, has been difficult for a student to master. It is a life changing experience for some computer users, as it may be the first time they are able to independently create text in Word, communicate via email, write letters, enter search terms into Google or create a PowerPoint slide, or do the thousand other tasks that have somehow become a part of the student day. The speech recognition system, Dragon Naturally Speaking, provides a system for a computer user to ‘speak’ to their computer and in doing so, create text on the screen.

Dragon naturally speaking software type